In a time where social media influence is everything and often dictates self-worth, many young girls are easily influenced by a false concept of . As a result, these girls believe that in order to be
, they need certain body measurements, a different skin tone, a silkier hair texture, or to be covered in the latest name brand fashions. It is believed that this notion has contributed to an increase in depression, a decrease in self-esteem, self-worth, and socialization skills.
We offer a dynamic group for girls ages (11-17 years old) with the goal of developing and increasing self-esteem and self-worth in all of the participants by building feelings of security and purpose through discussions and activities. We understand the unique challenges that teen girls face that impact their self-esteem and self-worth. Our group is designed to create a safe space, where girls can discuss factors that impact their ability to see their inner , purpose, and potential. During the group, girls will learn appropriate skills and then discuss how to apply them to their own personal situations (both now and in the future).
Be Your Own Kind of

Please visit our events page to reserve a spot at our next Girls 11-17 Self-Esteem Group Therapy session!